1. Click on the MAGSA PAYPAL SPONSORHIP & DONATION LINK on right side panel, or use the QR Code also on the right side panel.
2. Once on the MAGSA PAYPAL SPONSORHIP & DONATION page, select your sponsorship level from the drop down menu (Gold Sponsor, Silver Sponsor, Bronze Sponsor or Non-Sponsorship Donation) and make sure you select the corresponding value ($500, $750, $1,000 or "Other Amount"). Once you have made your selections, click on "Donate with PayPal", or "Donate with a Debit or Credit Card".
3. On the next page, fill out your payment details and make sure you check the "Share your mailing address with Memorial Ashford Girls Softball Association so they can acknowledge your donation." This will allow us to send you a sponsorship / donation acknowledgement form that can be used for tax-deduction purposes.